
Huomenna lastaudutaan muuttoautoon ja suunnataan uusiin maisemiin. Edessä on muutama viikko kodin laittoa Frekin tuloa varten, ilman nettiä, joten blogi päivittyilee harvakseltaan.
About to move
Our substitute pug has been watching our moving out preparations in amazament. Why on earth do they stuff perfectly good books in banana boxes? It has also considered applying for a daycare place from Raparperi's kennel, Freki and the other pugs seem to have so much more fun there. We have tried to consolate him by telling that moving out won't take long anymore and there's a dogpark right next to the new apartment.
Tomorrow we'll head out to the new apartment and we'll have a couple of weeks to make it suitable for Freki, also. We'll have no internet for the first weeks so the blog will be updated seldomly.