Nimen valinnasta
Nimen miettiminen oli parin viikon projekti. Ideoita kysyttiin sukulaisilta ja ystäviltä, monia hyviä vaihtoehtoja saatiinkin. Frekin lisäksi muita ehdotettuja olivat: Aksu, Fregi, Joda, Naksu, Odin, Raffe, Raisu, Raksu, Ralle, Terho, Unski, Uuno ja Yoda. Parin viikon nimien maistelun jälkeen molempien ykköseksi oli kuitenkin noussut Freki ja siihen siis päädyttiin.

About choosing the name
Deciding the name was a couple of weeks project. We asked suggestions from relatives and friends and got many good ones. Besides Freki some of the suggested were Aksu, Fregi, Joda, Naksu, Odin, Raffe, Raisu, Raksu, Ralle, Terho, Unski, Uuno and Yoda. After couple weeks of considering Freki sounded best and so it was decided.

About choosing the name
Deciding the name was a couple of weeks project. We asked suggestions from relatives and friends and got many good ones. Besides Freki some of the suggested were Aksu, Fregi, Joda, Naksu, Odin, Raffe, Raisu, Raksu, Ralle, Terho, Unski, Uuno and Yoda. After couple weeks of considering Freki sounded best and so it was decided.
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