Nimen taustaa
Kaikille ei ole tainnut olla selvää mistä Freki-nimi juontaa juurensa. Odinilla, skandinaavisella jumalhahmolla, oli kahden korppinsa lisäksi myös kaksi sutta, Freki ja Geri. Ne söivät kutsumattomat vieraat ja toivat onnea taisteluissa. Valhallassa Odin syötti niille liha-ateriat ja tyytyi itse nauttimaan vain viiniä. Odin nimeä ei kauaa harkittu, koska Odin itse oli yksisilmäinen, eikä sellaisia merkityksiä mopsin kohdalla haluttu sisällyttää.
Freki suomentuu suunnilleen hurjaksi, joten Raisu ei liippaa kauaksi. Lisäksi S.:n äidin keksimä lempinimi Ruttu-susi on tässä yhteydessä hauskan osuva. Muutenkin nimiä väännellessämme kääntyi Beowulf Pugwolfiksi, eli mopsisudeksi. Eikös tässäkin sankarissa nimenmukaista näköä ole?

Origin of the name
The origin of the name Freki might not be so clear to everyone. Odin, a Scandinavian god, had also two wolves besides his two ravens. These wolves were Freki and Geri and they brought good luck in battles and ate any unwelcome visitors. In Valhalla Odin fed them with meat since he himself only drank mead. The name Odin was also considered, but since he was one-eyed we abandoned that name quickly.
Freki could be translated as Fierce, which is quite close to his official name Raisu (Romping). S.'s mother also came up with a nice nickname for him, Ruttu-susi, which would be something like Wrinkle-Wolf in english. While thinking about different names we also slightly violated the name of Beowulf, which became Pugwolf. If you look at the pic, can you deny he doesn't match his name?
Freki suomentuu suunnilleen hurjaksi, joten Raisu ei liippaa kauaksi. Lisäksi S.:n äidin keksimä lempinimi Ruttu-susi on tässä yhteydessä hauskan osuva. Muutenkin nimiä väännellessämme kääntyi Beowulf Pugwolfiksi, eli mopsisudeksi. Eikös tässäkin sankarissa nimenmukaista näköä ole?

Origin of the name
The origin of the name Freki might not be so clear to everyone. Odin, a Scandinavian god, had also two wolves besides his two ravens. These wolves were Freki and Geri and they brought good luck in battles and ate any unwelcome visitors. In Valhalla Odin fed them with meat since he himself only drank mead. The name Odin was also considered, but since he was one-eyed we abandoned that name quickly.
Freki could be translated as Fierce, which is quite close to his official name Raisu (Romping). S.'s mother also came up with a nice nickname for him, Ruttu-susi, which would be something like Wrinkle-Wolf in english. While thinking about different names we also slightly violated the name of Beowulf, which became Pugwolf. If you look at the pic, can you deny he doesn't match his name?
on joo ihan suden näkönen ;)
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